One of the pleasurable things about blogs is the connection you make with others. When blogs were much more a "thing" than now there was a lot of "linking up" going on, a great method to find other blogs and for others to find your writings, too.
So I was pleased to see that Archie the Wonder Dog is (still) hosting a monthly link-up, for any crafty blogs. And since I have done a good bit of crafting (and a few blog posts written) it may be a good time to join in today and give an overview.
So what has happened here this past month?
With restarting blogging last month I have been much more motivated to sew, too. I finished a quilt top inspired by my Irish Summer Garden, strips of green with accents of red and purple representing the colours in my garden:
I also "found" my wool felt while tidying up and made a little rabbit and then some small seaside-themed keyring charms.
And lastly, I had some quilting ideas for the Summer Garden quilt, but wasn't sure I could pull it off. To practise I stitched some scraps together and they were made into two small "art" pieces while trying out quilting ferns. They are only about 6 inches square and I absolutely loved making them! I called them Glimpses of an Irish Summer Garden. So now I have to admit being quite distracted from quilting the quilt by ideas for making more small pieces and using up my scraps.
Distractions allowing, I hope to finish quilting the Irish Summer Garden quilt next month. Knowing myself, there may well be a few small "glimpses" joining the first two as well!
Find others joining Archie the Wonder Dog at the August "Furtle around the Blogosphere". And more info on the "Furtle" can be found by clicking the button:

I will be doing some more sewing now...